Thursday, July 4, 2002


just finished downloading sema's update client thing. Get it here if you're interested. It's a little program, sort of like aim looking in my opinion, but it's for updating livejournal. I personally think it makes it about a hundred times easier to update the journal, saves me the trouble from having to go all through the web page and stuff. very nicely designed too, you can choose mood / music / pictures. pretty much anything. it's really neat. anyway!

i've been using windows xp recently. the main reason i didn't use it before was because it sucked for playing quake, but i've gotten that fixed now, and i don't really play quake that much anymore anyway, so, i've been sorta stuck in this operating system. i corrupted windows 2000 or something a while back when my power flashed like 3 or 4 times straight. or i think that's what it was, i really don't even remember. it may have been when i was trying to put the new operating system in. but i used to use that one all the time, because i had it configured the way that i liked it, but now, since i've been using xp recently, i've pretty much gotten this one set up the way that i like this one too! other than the 1024 resolution, i'd much rather be running in 1280x1024, but hey, that's a small setback. i need a new moniter if i'm going to do that I think. my webcam, however, does not work with windows xp, which is quite a pain. no majour problem for me, but sorry to all those of you out there who like to watch me on my cam. :P it don't work. and i don't know how to fix it. :P i'll try to get it working sometime, but i just really haven't had the need / patience to deal with it recently.

ok, well, we're going to see men in black 2 today, and i haven't showered or anything like that, and my little brother wants me to help him get warcraft 3 connected on battlenet, so! i should probably be going for now. hope everyone has a lovely afternoon!!1@

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