Saturday, July 6, 2002


so! i got windows 2000 working again. sort of. i decided to try to boot into it and see what happens, and it started right up like it should. and i got my webcam working again too. woo. it's nice, you can even see the upper corner of my HUGE moniter in my webcam view now. lol. sorry, can't help it's so gigantic. :) but anyway yeah! i'm excited.

went to work this morning at 7, got off at around 3:30, went out to the airport with dave and paul to watch the (lack of) planes taking off and landing, then we came back here to my place, stopped by food liion, video 2000, and papa john's to get a pizza, some drinks, and rent a movie. we ended up watching "art of war" again. i thought it was good.... again, i don't think paul or dave liked it at all. but anyway, at least i enjoyed it yet again. and now they're gone, and i'm sitting here on my computer listning to music and wondering what i'm going to do all day tomorrow. something will come up i'm sure. anyone gets bored, give me a call. niight!

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