Sunday, July 14, 2002

free at last!

ryan's gone, and although i did totally have a blast while he was here, it's going to be nice to have my own room back for a change. let's see, last night, we went out to play pool again at the playing field... we had a hell of a great time, or at least i did, i can't speak for him. finally got my long island iced tea, sorta expected it to at least give me a little bit of a buzz, but i didn't feel it at all. ANYWAY, we played about .. 14 games of pool, played first of 7 eightball, then we played a game of nineball, then since that didn't go very well, we played one more game of eightball before we left. afterwards, we rented a movie, and came back here, watched some tv, then watched the movie. (not another teen movie) it was pretty funny, half way fell asleep in the middle of it, and totally passed out after it was over. was fun though. didn't do squat this morning, went out to eat, went by circuit city for a little while, and bought black & white. left, came home, played the game while paul and dave played x box, and ryan like passed out on the floor.


** back in time **

thursday!! was really really cool too. dave, paul, ryan, and i went to the beach, hadn't been in forever. first got there, and like everyone was already bitching about wanting to leave, but i was determined to get in the water at least once, so ryan and i went down to the shore, and got about waist to chest deep in the water, and then like we got whistled at. apparently the "CURRENTS" were too strong, so they weren't letting anyone get out in the water any farther than like knee deep. it was pretty stupid, but getting wet once was plenty enough for me. (...)

anywayeee, we stayed there for a couple hours, and left, then we drove down to the marine science museum, we were gonna wander around there and maybe see the aquarium, and a film, but we didn't think it'd be all that exciting, and some of us didn't really wanna spend the money on that, so we left promptly after getting there (and shitting around in the giftshop for about 10 minutes) and headed out to the GO-KARTS-PLUS!! thing that they have down near the beach. we got some tix0rs and rode the gokarts one time, which was totally a blast. was like 6 dollars or something for like 15 laps on this little miniature wannabe road course. i thought it was fun, paulie was far too good at it. he would have lapped me like twice if it went on for much longer... and the scarier thing was that i thought i was doing pretty well, passed several people, and paul was the only one that really passed me, other than this one other guy.

so we hung around at the track watching people for a little while, then we went into the arcade thingy that they had there, and played our favorite game "HOUSE OF THE DEAD" for a little while. that was mad cool, but i dunno, it just seemed a bit more boring than usual. so after a few coins had been thrown into that, ryan and i played a game of pool, hence starting the whole POOL fiasco. lol. i'm glad though, cuz i've had so much fun playing pool the last few days, gotten MILDLY decent at it too i think.

anyway, we left the arcade, and sorta drove home, stopped by uno's in williamsburg for dinner, because that's like one of our fave restaraunts ever. it was really good. left there, came home.. and i don't really remember what we did after that. wasn't very early or very late when we got home. .. probably just shat around the house. :)

anyway! hott. that's about it, thus far. been fun, but glad to have my room back, as previously stated. although my step-dad's sister is coming to stay the night with us. she's nice, a bit wierd, but still nice. i'm just keeping to myself in my room. have to work at 1:30 tomorrow. hopefully not really doing anything else until then. GOODNIGHT ALL!! latez. *poof*

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