Thursday, April 27, 2006


It sounds like I'm going to have to get back to working on tha tproject that I absolutely hate. :(

I've gotten a nice break from it, and I feel like MOST of the stuff that has needed to be done to it has been, but I am REALLY not looking forward to getting back to work on it. This is going to absolutely suck. :(



Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Long time

So, once again, it's been like 5 days since I've updated. :( Sorry about that!

I have been working a lot lately -- working from my office though, so it's great! I've been working on an ASP.NET website, which is absolutely thrilling to me. I've learned so much working on it, and I've really been enjoying it. I feel like I've done better on it than I was expecting to, and it works very well, very quickly. My boss really liked it too which is definitely always a plus. :D

So sorry about having not updated much lately! I'm at work now. I'm remoted into my computer at home. Hm, I wish I could do that from downtown, that'd make my life so much easier.

It's also fun to play my music while I'm remoted in, because I know that it actually does play on my computer at home. I'm going to have to hook up my webcam, and play some music, and see what my cat does. :P How amusing would that be.

Poor cat. It's okay, he's satan anyway.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Woo. Happy 4/20 everyone. And no, I don't smoke pot.

Anyway, I haven't really made a post in a few days, been sorta busy, but not with anything particularly entertaining. Been working as usual.

The thing that I'm most excited about is my DSL upgrade! Cavtel has been offering 10Mbps around my area for a while, but not RIGHT there where my house was. I finally got updated to it last night, and I absolutely love it. I've never had an internet connection that fast at home before. I download like a MEGABYTE per second, or around about there from fast servers now. It kicks so much ass.

Work has been cool, I've been able to work from here in the office a lot more lately, because I'm starting on an ASP.NET web project, which I'm excited about. I love doing stuff like this WAY more than old vb6 projects. It's a nice break. I'm sure I'm going to have to go back to the vb6 ones, but I'm glad to have the break from them, at least.

Anyway, that's about it. Nothing particularly exciting. :)

Oh, I read this online novel called "Autumn", it was sorta like Steven King's "The Stand", but not quite as well written. hehe. Although, I tend to be intrigued by books like that, there are 3 more parts to the "series", and now I have to buy the others, because they aren't free online. :( Hehe.

So yeah. Not very well written, but if you're really bored:

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


12:30. I need sleep. :(

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Happy Easter everyone!

We just got back from Laura's Grandmother's again. She made turkey, stuffing, sweet potato caserole, corn pudding, rice, some cheese potato thing, rolls, and had some dessert from Ukrop's. Apple Pie, and some Chocolate and Pecan tarts. Wow. Everything was awesome. I didn't eat some of everything (thank god), but what I had was yummy.

I hope everyone had a good day! We're gonna just crash here for the rest of the night, I'm sorta excited. The sky is dark as crap off in the distance, it looks like there's a huge storm coming. Crazy!

Friday, April 14, 2006


I remember when I used to be relatively skinny. I'm fat as shit now.

I hate it. :(

omg topeka's = awesome.

Had a 9oz, medium-ish, juicy, melt in your mouth sirloin steak with a baked sweet potato covered in butter and brown sugar on the side.

I feel like i'm going to pop.

Woomp, day off!

This is wierd for me, I'm not sure what to do. It's 8:30, and I'm up, first off. On a day off.

I've got some errands and stuff that I need to run. I'm gonna hit up work and grab my check and deposit it. I think I might take my car by the car wash today too to get some of that crazy pollen off. It's kinda gross. All yellowish. I'm headin over to mom's now to eat some breakfast. Then, maybe Mom and i will grab lunch today or something. I haven't been to Ruby Tuesdays in a while because none of my friends like it anymore, because we sorta wore it out. Where I agree with that, I still sorta have a taste for their Buffalo and Blue chicken sandwich. I love buffalo chicken.

Who else has the day off today?

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Oh why not

Sorry Jenny, I'm stealing your survey!

1* First grade teacher's name: Ms Troy
2* Last word you said: Thanks!
3* Last song you sang: Shimmer - Fuel (it was on the radio while I was driving home yesterday)
4* Last person you hugged: Laura
5* Last thing you laughed at: (Thieves steal staircases from mobile breast unit. In related news, new politically correct term for women introduced). I know, I know. But it cracked me up.
6* Last time you said I dont remember: Yesterday afternoon.
7* Last time you cried: I don't remember. Oh shit, now I need to change the previous question.
8* Last time you poured super hot fudge all over yourself: No.
9* What color socks are you wearing: Khaki'esque. To match my pants.
10* What's under your bed? Nuffin.
11* What time did you wake up today: 7:00ish
12* Current taste: Sprite and Spearmint gum.
13* Current hair: discheveled. (sp?)
15* Current annoyance: My lack of energy.
16* Current longing: The end of the day. I'm off tomorrow.
17* Current desktop background: Some wierd abstract thing from deviant art.
18* Current worry: Don't worry, be happy!
19* Current hate: I don't hate much of anything.
20* Current favorite article of clothing: my basketball shorts. so comfortable.
21* Favorite physical feature of the preferred gender: smooth skin.
22* Last CD that you listened to: Some wierd punk mix that I have in my car.
23* Favorite place to be: On the sofa. Or at the cmputer.
24* Least favorite place: at work
25* Time you wake up in the morning: 6:45 -- snoozing until around 7:00
26* If you could play an instrument, what would you play: an acoustic guitar
27* Favorite color: Blue
28* Do you believe in an afterlife: no.
29* How tall are you: 6'2" ish.
30* Current favorite word/saying: "or not..."
31* Favorite book: The Relic. Or, anything by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child..
32* Favorite season: Anything but summer. I hate hot, humid days (like today)
33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to:
34* Song currently listening to: Nada. I'm at a client location, so I'm trying to be quiet.
35* Where do you want to go to college: Been there, done that.
36* What is your career going to be like: Who knows. I'd LOVE to be in video game design, or web design. My ultimate goal, however, is to open my own Internet Cafe. But that's a ways down the road.
37* How many kids do you want: 1-2.
***Have you ever.........
38* Eaten an entire gallon bucket of ice cream in one day: haha no.
39* Said "I love you" and meant it: yes
40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: I hate laura's cat. All. The. Time.
41* Been to New York: nope
42* Been to Florida: Yep
43* Been to California: no
44* Been to Hawaii: no
45* Been to Mexico: no
46* Been to China: no
48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: .. meh. not really.
49* Had sex: yep
50* Sent someone to the hospital: nope
51* Been dumped: yep
52* Do you have a crush on someone: uh. my bebe. :)
53* What book are you reading now? I just finished one by Dan Brown, but I don't remember the name of it.
54* Worst feeling in the world: Not knowing what the future will hold.
55*What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: Ugh, I don't want to go to work. Usually followed by "Man, I really need to pee."
56* How many rings before you answer: 1-2.
57* Future daughter's name: I like the name "Taylor"
58* Future son's name: I don't know.
59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Only because laura does.
60* If you could have any job you wanted: Video game designer! :D
61* Wish were here: Nah.
62* College plans: I'm good. Although I was looking at ITT Tech's video game design classes. (Sensing a theme?)
63* Piercings: no.
64* Do you do drugs: definitely not.
65* Do you wish you were someone else: Nope
67* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Pantene shampoo + Conditioner
68* What are you most scared of: I'm good right now. I hate hornets though.
69* What clothes do you sleep in: you don't want to know.
70* Who is the last person that called you: Laura
71* Where do you want to get married: Laura's church.
72* If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? I'm lazy as shit. I think if I could change that, everything else would fall into place.
73* Who do you really hate: Don't be hatin.
74* Been In Love: Definitely.
75* Are you timely or always late: I used to be late a lot, but now I'm generally on time. Well, except to work.
76* Do you have a job: yes
77* Do you like being around people: yep
78* Best feeling in the world: relaxing with the one that you love in your arms.
79* Are you for world peace: what kind of silly question is that. isn't everyone?
80* Are you a health freak: hahahahahah no.
81* Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: no.
82* Do you want someone you don't have? no.
83* Are you lonely right now: no.
84* Ever afraid you'll never get married: I don't think afraid is the word. I'm sorta excited about it actually. One year from tomorrow is the date! For those of you keeping track.
85* Do you want to get married: Oh. I didn't see this one.
86* Do you want kids? yes.
87* Cried: negative
88* Bought something: food
89* Gotten Sick: no
90* Sang: yeah
91* Said I Love You: yep. :)
92* Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them? yeah.. but i did. hehe.
93* Met Someone: i meet new people every day. but not in the same sense this survey seems to be implying.
94* Moved On: what?
95* Talked To Someone: again, i meet and talk to new people ever day. It's great, really. :)
96* Had A Serious Talk: Sorta. I got yelled at if that counts. :P (sorry bebe. haha)
97* Missed Someone: yep
98* Hugged Someone: yes
99* Yelled at Someone: i don't really yell.
100* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: never.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


So, work to day was pretty standard. Got some stuff done, but not as much as I'd like to. A lot of paperwork. I got an email from my boss this afternoon, letting me know that I have to go to Davenport again tomorrow to meet with some people, and gather some info from one of their systems for them. All the work for it is done, but the process is probably going to take about 2 hours to run since he wants 3 months worth of historic trading data. I wonder what I'll do for the 2 hours while it's running. :/

Hmm, let's see, tonight. Laura had choir, so I sat around and played Oblivion for a little while. Watched American Idol to see who was going to get kicked off. I was pretty happy about the choice. It sorta bothers me that I've gotten into that show. Granted, I'm pretty much a woman now judging by the TV that I watch. Let's see. My 3 favorite channels now are A&E, TLC, and HGTV. Yes, Home & Garden Television. Sad, sad day. Actually the only thing that I watch on that channel is House Hunters, but still.

I heard from Dean that I'm getting another case to review for Overclocker Cafe as well. I'm really excited about that, I've really liked the last couple that I've gotten. That's basically what my free time is devoted to now. I work from 8:30 to 5:30 every day. Usually get home around 6:15. I still play video games some in the evenings, but I don't really get much time on the computer. Which is fine with me. I spend as much time as I can with Laura. We run errands, watch TV, and just basically hang out. When I'm not doing any of that, I'm writing news or reviews for OCC. I don't go out much with friends anymore. I really do miss seeing some people sometimes.

Dave, you remember when we used to say that we were gonna have each other over once a week to cook or something before we moved in? We should start doing that. hehe. Anyway, hope everyone has a good night! :P


So, I'm at work. I'm taking a little break. I'm trying to put a user interface on this app that I'm working on for some folks. I love making interfaces, because it's so much fun trying to make something that's very functional, and very easy for people to figure out and use.

I'm in the office today, thankfully. Our office is at Gaskins and Broad, so it's about 10 minutes away from my house. I work here a day or two a week, and end up working the rest of the week from Riverfront. Most of the apps we write are for people that work there, so having access to their network makes my life a lot easier. It's in the heart of downtown. I really enjoy it, because all around, there's tall buildings, big streets, traffic, etc. I wouldn't ever wanna actually live there, but it's nice working there sometimes.

It's cool walking around down there, there's a lot of people out on the streets. Lots of little carts and stuff round and about with food. Pretty entertaining. Not to mention, all the people that work in riverfront. I've gotten awesome at meeting

I like being here in the office better though. The guys that I work with are so cool. They're all around my age, so we have a lot in common. A couple of the other guys like the same kinds of video games that I do, and we've had conversations going on about Oblivion a lot lately. Quite fun. I really do enjoy my job most of the time. I have a hard time staying focused at times, but I really do try to as much as I can. It's a blast. Usually.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Dinner with Granny

So, Laura and I went to her Granny's tonight for dinner. It was quite good. She made us some pot roast with carrots and potatoes, with cabbage and beets (neither of which I ate) on the side.

Laura's having her granny make her wedding dress, and so she's started making one as sort of a "test" now. Laura tried it on tonight, and she was absolutely stunning. I can't wait to see her in the real thing.


I figured in the next few posts, I'd try to put in quite a bit of info just so that those of you who may not have heard from me recently can catch up and find out a little about me through posts.

I said last night that Laura and I were living in an apartment now. We're right outside of short pump. For those of you familiar with the area, we're right past the short pump mall heading west on 250. It's a really nice area, in my opinion. I guess since I was originally from a small town, but I've been raised pretty much here since I was about 6, I've grown really accustomed to having everything really near us.

We are about a 5 minute drive from just about anything we want to get to. If we head out of the parking lot and take a left, we've got gas, movies, stores, the mall, ukrop's (or 3), there are 3 starbucks within 5 minutes of the apartment, my mom's house is right near here too... basically everything. On the other hand, if we take a left, we head out into the sticks. There's fields, trees, forests, and lots of open roads to take a spin on. I'm still driving the ac' (integra), and I still love it.

Anyway, I used to always say that I couldn't really picture myself living here in short pump for the rest of my life, but I think that I probably will be. And I really do enjoy it. We're going to be looking for a house sometime coming up, probably starting this year sometime. We have to be out of the apartment by August of 07 as we have it worked out right now which will give us a few months after the wedding to get everything in order, find a house, and get all the payment stuff situated. The big thing is saving up for it. Ugh, talk about expensive. I think the average price of homes around here is around $400,000, the cheapest thing that we'd consider living in is around 200k. It's insane.

So, that's about it for now. More tomorrow! Or later tonight! Or whenever I get around to it. How's everyone else doing?

Got Color?

May as well make some changes to the color scheme since I have posted about nothing in the past 2 years. Hows the blue looking?

Monday, April 10, 2006

So, I'm back! (hopefully)

I haven't posted on this bad boy in years! Literally!

I was sitting at work today, and I came accross this old link on my site. I started looking through some of the old entries, and thought it was VERY interesting to be able to go back and read what I was thinking, how I was feeling, what was going on at my life at different points. It's really pretty neat. I hope livejournal doesn't ever die. haha.

So anyway, I just figured I'd start throwing some more entries up here. I can't get into too much tonight, because I have to get off here in a few minutes. House Hunters comes on in about 10 minutes, and then I need to get to bed so I can get up and head to work early in the morning.

Just for people who may not have read my entries in a while, a quick update.

I'm still working for Computer Resource Company. I've been there for around 3 years now, and I'm really enjoying it most of the time. It does get kind of stressful sometiems, but I think any job that you get into can be that way. There's enough responsibility to keep me occupied, but not enough to be annoying.

I'm still with Laura, we've been living in an apartment here in Short Pump since August of 04. It's very nice. We're engaged, and are planning on getting married in April of 07 (about a year away!)

I guess most of you already know that, but I'll leave it at that for now. Are any of the old LJ people still around? How's everyone doing?!

So.. over 2 years later

I just thought I'd throw a post up to see if anyone still reads these things!

I can't believe that my account is still active, this is insane. I'm sitting at work connecting over some Proxy server, so I don't even know for sure whether or not this thing is going to work. It'd be crazy if it did though. How hott would that be. :D Let's find out.