Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Long time

So, once again, it's been like 5 days since I've updated. :( Sorry about that!

I have been working a lot lately -- working from my office though, so it's great! I've been working on an ASP.NET website, which is absolutely thrilling to me. I've learned so much working on it, and I've really been enjoying it. I feel like I've done better on it than I was expecting to, and it works very well, very quickly. My boss really liked it too which is definitely always a plus. :D

So sorry about having not updated much lately! I'm at work now. I'm remoted into my computer at home. Hm, I wish I could do that from downtown, that'd make my life so much easier.

It's also fun to play my music while I'm remoted in, because I know that it actually does play on my computer at home. I'm going to have to hook up my webcam, and play some music, and see what my cat does. :P How amusing would that be.

Poor cat. It's okay, he's satan anyway.

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