Thursday, April 20, 2006


Woo. Happy 4/20 everyone. And no, I don't smoke pot.

Anyway, I haven't really made a post in a few days, been sorta busy, but not with anything particularly entertaining. Been working as usual.

The thing that I'm most excited about is my DSL upgrade! Cavtel has been offering 10Mbps around my area for a while, but not RIGHT there where my house was. I finally got updated to it last night, and I absolutely love it. I've never had an internet connection that fast at home before. I download like a MEGABYTE per second, or around about there from fast servers now. It kicks so much ass.

Work has been cool, I've been able to work from here in the office a lot more lately, because I'm starting on an ASP.NET web project, which I'm excited about. I love doing stuff like this WAY more than old vb6 projects. It's a nice break. I'm sure I'm going to have to go back to the vb6 ones, but I'm glad to have the break from them, at least.

Anyway, that's about it. Nothing particularly exciting. :)

Oh, I read this online novel called "Autumn", it was sorta like Steven King's "The Stand", but not quite as well written. hehe. Although, I tend to be intrigued by books like that, there are 3 more parts to the "series", and now I have to buy the others, because they aren't free online. :( Hehe.

So yeah. Not very well written, but if you're really bored:

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