Monday, April 10, 2006

So, I'm back! (hopefully)

I haven't posted on this bad boy in years! Literally!

I was sitting at work today, and I came accross this old link on my site. I started looking through some of the old entries, and thought it was VERY interesting to be able to go back and read what I was thinking, how I was feeling, what was going on at my life at different points. It's really pretty neat. I hope livejournal doesn't ever die. haha.

So anyway, I just figured I'd start throwing some more entries up here. I can't get into too much tonight, because I have to get off here in a few minutes. House Hunters comes on in about 10 minutes, and then I need to get to bed so I can get up and head to work early in the morning.

Just for people who may not have read my entries in a while, a quick update.

I'm still working for Computer Resource Company. I've been there for around 3 years now, and I'm really enjoying it most of the time. It does get kind of stressful sometiems, but I think any job that you get into can be that way. There's enough responsibility to keep me occupied, but not enough to be annoying.

I'm still with Laura, we've been living in an apartment here in Short Pump since August of 04. It's very nice. We're engaged, and are planning on getting married in April of 07 (about a year away!)

I guess most of you already know that, but I'll leave it at that for now. Are any of the old LJ people still around? How's everyone doing?!

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