Saturday, April 6, 2002


jerjer had a gooood day. started out pretty lame, sat around playing quake this morning. wasn't doing very well either. lol. but still amusing. anyway, talked to dave around 3 or something, and he and jeff came over here for a while.. while they were over here, laura called, which was a very pleasant surprise. she came over for a while also, and we went out to get sushi for dinner. dave, jeff and i enjoyed it i think, but i don't think laura liked it that much. i actually felt really bad. :| but that's okay, cuz afterwards we went to friendly's and got a LOAD of icecream. that was a ton of fun.

also, to add to the pleasantness, i talked to megan for the first time last night in like... several months. it was really nice talking to her again, kind of wish it hadn't been so long before, but it was. hope we can keep in touch like we should.

ALSO, i was playing quake again tonight, and i got called a bot again. and i doubt many quakers read my journal... but that's like the ultimate compliment. someone telling me that they think i have computer-aided aim. which is great. :) and no, i don't. haha.

so anyway! very amusing, lively, fun filled day. thanks for asking.

buenas noches!

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