Tuesday, April 2, 2002

procrastinate much?

it's great when i have a big exam tomorrow at 2pm, and i haven't even cracked a book yet. yeah it's psychology, and i got a 65 on the last one. although he curved that to a B, i still consider a 65 a pretty low grade. ANYWAY, the test is tomorrow at 2pm, and i have to go to bed at like 11 tonight, because i have to get up at 6am tomorrow morning and work until 12. no, i won't have a chance to study between getting home from work, and going to class, because my grandmother is leaving, and i have to see her off, and eat lunch... so yes, i should most definitely be studying right now. but i'm not. why? i don't know, why do you procrastinate? you know you do. everyone does. i personally am just still a bit lazy. that and i get my best studying done at the last minute. (that's called rationalization, it's a defense mechanism. i come up with a "rational" reason why i do something, so it should seem right.) (and that second part is intellectualization. i try to come up with an intellectual reason for doing something.. it's another of the defense mechanism's... like denial. i just don't deny that i'm lazy. i accept it. :)

so! i'm going to procrastinate more, until pretender goes off anyway. then i'm going to make an attempt to go study. wish me luck! :P night.

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