Saturday, April 13, 2002

ok, so it's already like 70 degrees outside today. i think it's going to be sorta overcast today, but still very nice. and i get to spend the rest of the day at work. how exciting, eh? i really don't want to go to work. lol. although i guess that's sort of a regular occurance. but i neeeeed the money! my checking account has finally be going up fairly constantly in the last few weeks. it's nice watching it increase like that. yeah, i want to buy a car. i don't really know what kind yet, but i need a new one. i'm getting very tired of driving the pos that i have now. any suggestions? remember, i'm a poor college student, so i can't afford anything too expensive.

right, well, i'm going to go earn some (miniscule amount of) money. have a good day!

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